🔱 What am I currently doing? 🔱
Hi, it's me, Nikolaus!
This Now-Page serves as a central platform for all my current and future projects.
Here I'll tell you what's going on with me at the moment. I was inspired by Niklas Steenfatt in the Fokus.so Framework forum, who in turn was inspired by Derek Sivers .
Zuletzt aktualisiert am 19.09.2024 am UniBw Campus
My current goals for the near future
- Full focus on my studies: The aim is to graduate with an M.Sc. in Computer Science with top marks in 2027
- Generate reach
- Athletics as a competitive sport at national level: Strengthened by the predictable study time and optimal training conditions on campus, I want to live out my passion for athletics more intensively in the coming years.
- Learning Norwegian: Fascinated by this country and with the intention of getting to know it over a longer period of time, I am currently learning Norwegian.
- Books: I am currently reading the Spiegel bestseller Wer wir sind von Stefanie Stahl und Percy Jackson 6: Der Kelch der Götter by Rick Riordan.
What state I want to see the world in when I leave it.
A world without mobility restrictions and with unhindered access to high-quality education and nutrition, in which all people coexist peacefully and sustainably on a healthy planet worth living on.
What role I want and need to play in order to make my vision a reality.
To drive the progress of this wonderful world, to serve as a daily source of inspiration and role model for others, to be a part of something bigger, to love and laugh endlessly and to see every day as a new opportunity.
The basis for my daily decision-making.
- Long-term thinking
- Never satisfied, always grateful
- Always do my best
- Proactive, not reactive
- Appreciation of life and fellow human beings
- Fun, joy and pleasure
In exactly this order